See what your company can gain cooperating with us
Experienced Team with Cultural Knowledge
Experienced Team with Cultural Knowledge
Our company owner and employees have many years of experience in the Chinese and Middle Eastern markets and have in-depth knowledge of the business culture and commercial dynamics of these regions. This allows us to provide accurate guidance on potential challenges and opportunities.
Personalized Services
We offer customized services based on the needs and objectives of our clients, ensuring effective and efficient business processes.
Personalized Services
Import and Export Expertise
Import and Export Expertise
We specialize in areas such as customs regulations, logistics, and payment processes in commercial transactions between the UK, Europe, China, and the Middle East. This helps our clients conduct smooth and fast commercial transactions.
Low Risk and High Return
With our regional experience and industry knowledge, we minimize the business risks of our clients and help them achieve high returns.
Low Risk and High Return
Academic and Commercial Consultancy
Academic and Commercial Consultancy
We organize official and academic meetings and seminars to share knowledge and experience in the business world, enabling our clients to learn the best practices and strategies in the industry.
Transparency and Reliability
We contribute to building trust and strengthening business partnerships by providing transparency and reliability in business processes.
Transparency and Reliability
Language and Cultural Skills
Language and Cultural Skills
Our team is proficient in English, Chinese, and Turkish languages, helping overcome communication barriers and contributing to strengthening business relationships. Additionally, having an understanding of different cultures allows us to manage the impact of cultural differences on business processes.
Continuous Support and Communication
We provide ongoing support and communication to our clients, always ready to address their needs and answer their questions at every step. This fosters collaboration and trust.
Continuous Support and Communication
Competitive Pricing
Competitive Pricing
While offering quality service, we also accommodate our clients’ budgets with competitive pricing. This enables more businesses to achieve success in international trade.
Local Business Relationships and Networks
Our local business relationships and networks in China and the Middle East enable us to support our clients in connecting with the most suitable business partners and suppliers.
Local Business Relationships and Networks
Melitea Consultancy Limited is a reliable and successful business partner with strong aspects and services in supporting clients in commercial transactions between the UK and China. You can trust our company to help your business achieve sustainable success internationally. By collaborating with Melitea Consultancy Limited, you can maximize your potential and reach your goals.